Ladies and Gentlemen, Members and Friends,
We would like to invite you to the 18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society (PTBF) with International Participation, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland on September 6-9, 2022 in the modern building of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw.
This year’s preliminary program of the Congress is presented on the Scope of the Congress website. and is devoted to the issues of Mechanisms of ligand-receptor interactions, Medical applications of proteins and nucleic acids, mRNA-biology, translation, applications, Modelling, and nonlinear analysis, Ion transport: receptors, transporters and channels, Medical Biophysics, Spectroscopy, Application of microfluidic technology and biosensors in biophysical research, Photosynthesis, Protein dynamics, disorder and phase separation, Biophysics of the mitochondria, and others.
There is space for lectures by recognized researchers as well as oral and poster presentations by young scientists the best of whom will be awarded.
We cordially invite scientists, doctoral students, and students dealing with biophysics and related sciences from the border of physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine to participate in the 18th Congress of the Polish Biophysical Society.
Organizing Committee of the 18th PTBF Congress